Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pisco the night away

Here we are celebrating our arrival in Buenos Aires with an expensive ($4) bottle of Quilmes. By this point we were all felling a bit filthy and in desperate need of a toothbrush. The beer probably didn"t help (Ican"t find the apostrophe on this keyboard).
This is the Andes as we flew over. We were all in separate seats and I think the boys saw Aconcagua (apparently the highest mountain outside the Himalayas) on their side. Pretty amazing though. So rugged.
Dinner outside at Berni"s place. Had our first pisco sour and some Chilean beer. Also, with Berni"s help, we mapped out our journey south and then north.
This morning we got a proper look at the house in daylight. It is so beautiful. Berni and Graeme live in the back partof the house which is completely self-contained with the pool just outside their bedroom door.
Next time I will try and make sure all the photos are up the right way. This was a bit later on making piscolas. 3am saw me off to bed which meant we didn" wake up until 1pm. It was the jet lagged coma-like sleep which I think we needed.

We have been to San Cristobal today but will post photos at another time seeing as this has taken ages and I have to go and sample some Chilean wine which was $6 from the supermaket.

Hasta luego :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Bienvenido a Santiago

Hola, buenos noches. Goodness, the jet lag is starting to set in but our first night in Chile is going to be great. Berni and Graeme met us at the airport and ferried us back to Berni's house which is just amazing! It's exactly as I had imagined but it has a pool which I won't complain about in 30 degree heat.

There were a few dramas in Auckland with the flights being delayed becasue (we only just found this out a few minutes ago) another couple who are doing the course in Valparaiso with Marty had a few issues with a passport and the police apparently thought that the guy had stolen his own passport. Will find out full story at a later date.

Flying into Santiago over the Andes was pretty spectacular. Bumpy and fast on the way down but most of it was breathtaking. Clouds blocked a lot of the mountains but the peaks peeking out from between fluffy whites possibly made it more beautiful.

Anyway, i will write at another time, but we are about to eat.

Photos will be up soon,

Kerry x

Monday, December 3, 2007

Stupid bird... not me.

Ok, one picture for the first day. Although it is not from America del Sur, it is still amusing. There will be many a photo of wildlife, I'm afraid. It will hopefully be interesting wildlife though.

This photo was actually taken by Marty. Birdy here decided to sit like this for a while with her mouth open. Silly!

24 days to go...

This shall be my travel blog. I may have to set up another website for photos but I can add links.