Vista del departamento in the fog yesterday
Ahhh... la volcan en Pucon Muy bonita! Mira el sombrero!
Church in fog just on the next hill from our apartment.
A bug that went a-wandering on Marty´s top in Ritoque yesterday. He was lovely. Leopard skin patterned.
We have just watched Flight of the Conchords. It was not something I expected to see in South America but it´s nice to have some kiwi humour.
Marty found a great little area of Valparaiso while I was away. It has really cheap internet and super cheap calls to NZ so I can now call more easily (when I´m here). And some lovely little bars and cafes (including a vegetarian restaurant which is as rare as hen´s teeth in this part of the world!)
The one down side of Pucon was that the circus was in town and they had bears (apparently a plar bear as well, although I didn´t see it) and tigers and monkeys in tiny cages which was really upsetting. I drove bast a couple of times on buses and it just broke my heart.
Have to go but will write again shortly.
K xx
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